New Sign Up Offer

1 Apr 2021

Sign up with me between now and May and you don’t have to start for up to 3 months after the gyms open! Save up to £100 when you join for 3 months! ...

Why Weight?

28 Jan 2021

Weight. Definition: an addictive, arbitrary number displayed on a 2" square screen that has little relevance to who or what you are. "I want to lose weight". Fi...

Lessons In Life

28 Jan 2021

Life doesn't come with an instruction manual and being an adult can be damn hard. I'm still trying to figure half of it all out and I'm nowhere near being a bon...

Transformation: What is a Transformation To You?

28 Jan 2021

Say the word 'transformation' in the fitness industry and most people think of a gruelling 12 week program resulting in a photo shoot with a tan and some popped...

It's The Wrong Shoes Gromit

28 Jan 2021

It’s the Wrong Shoes Gromit To gait analyse, or not to gait analyse: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the foot to suffer The laces and shoes o...

It's All About Form, But Don't Tell Paula

28 Jan 2021

Apologies non-runners, this is a little run-biased, but the idea is the same… In a galaxy far far away, there lived a little girl who just liked to run. ...

PMS and How to Combat It.

28 Jan 2021

On Monday I asked if you wanted to know how to combat PMS, or at least help it and understand it. A pretty impressive 88% said yes! Some of the most commonly re...

Recovery OR Cortisone

28 Jan 2021

Recovery OR Cortisone All hail cortisone, the anti-inflammatory wonder-drug. Or maybe not. What’s wrong with it? Well nothing per se. It does exactly what...

Detox Diets

28 Jan 2021

So I posted a story to my daily Instagram feed the other day of an image from a magazine about detox diets and I said I'd fill you in and break it down.  ...

Don't Get Hurt in the First Place

28 Jan 2021

“The single biggest predictor of injury is previous injury” How many of us have those ‘niggles’ that just won’t go away, no matter...